Saturday, March 26, 2011

Subang Parade and Empire

It's Saturday and i felt bored sitting around in the house doing nothing. So, i forced my sister, Lynna to go out with me. We went to Subang Parade and Empire~! 

First with stepped in to Subang Parade to get Lynna's altered clothes at the "Magic" tailoring shop for alterations. Then we walked around like we never been to Subang Parade. It's Saturday, so there were lots of kiosk selling unique stuffs. That they usually sells on the internet. There are some attracted my attention but i just keep my options wider. 

Then we went looking for dresses and jackets for me and Lynna's but nothing that really suits us. So we decided to go to the Empire gallery. Ate our lunch first at "I Love Yoo!". Then while we were window shopping, i saw shoes that attract my attentions. BUAHAHAHAHA!

Cute? I'm lovin it! The cost is only RM57! and bought cute color pens for me to write notes. hehe

So, after that we went home...that's all for now! Ciao~!


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